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Count on Frigo King

technical service
The support of highly qualified multidisciplinary engineering teams guarantees the best services related to Frigo King equipment to our customers.

Authorized service centers
The technical expertise of our professionals, combined with a complete infrastructure, offers five-star service for your Frigo King equipment.

Mobility, practicality, and efficiency: we combine these three characteristics to provide agile and competent service for your Frigo King equipment wherever and whenever you need it.

Encontre a assistência técnica mais próxima
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Avenida Alemana #49
76604020 - Pietro Venchiarutti
Cold Panels
Zona Industrial II. Barquisimeto
58 424-5558956 - Lucy
Carrocerías Pablo
La Selva - 3174
2312-2319 - Pablo / Santiago
Mazumo EIRL
Av. Marco Puente Llanos - 702 Ate Vitarte - Lima
51 938192576
Mitsui Automotriz
Javier Pardo Este - 602 - La Molina
51 1 6253000 - Johan / Ricardo
Movitec SRL
Avda. Eugênio A. Garay - N° 1.548
595-213385011 - Leandro / Paul
Aire Para Autos
Corregimiento Rio Abajo - SN - Calle Principal
507 6225-2733 – Hector
Aire Frio
Centro Comercial 2911, Av. nte y 29 Calle pte no 4-1
503 2131.7520 - Roberto / Raul
Irsi Refrigeración
Tlaquepague, Jalisco Calle La Paz - 35 - Manuel Lopez Cotilla
52 1 33 1568 1084 – David
Aire Frio
Centro Comercial 2911, Av. nte y 29 Calle pte no 4-1
503 2131.7520 - Roberto / Rau
Cold King - Calle de Las Acacías
E-2N63 y Sabanilla - 63 - Sabanilla
593 99 463 2274 - Alexander
Aire Frio
Centro Comercial 2911, Av. nte y 29 Calle pte no 4-1
503 2131.7520 - Roberto / Raul
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